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Is COVID Chipping Away at Your Chair Time?

Written by: Abir Bou Khouzam, Michelle Chan

Is Covid Chipping Away at Your Chair Time? 

Bruxism is Up - Keep Your Repairs Beautiful and Budget Friendly

When one thinks of achieving beautiful, healthy smile, whitening procedures typically first come to mind, but tiny chips, small cracks and signs of wear and tear on tooth enamel are also factors contributing to the health and overall aesthetics of our smiles.

While chipping a tooth is often the result of an accident, falls or intense contact sport injuries, chipped teeth can also occur from seemingly harmless daily occurrences such as stress, bruxism, ill-aligned bites, nail biting, chewing on hard foods or surfaces (like ice, candy, or pen caps), or even tongue piercing contact.

Stress is a major contributing factor in chipped enamel and as Americans continue to experience prolonged stress due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, along with regular life stressors related to finances, job security, and healthcare costs, bruxism and jaw clenching are at an all time high.

According to a survey conducted in February 2021 by the ADA Health Policy Institute, over 60% of 2,299 dentists surveyed saw an increase in chipped & cracked teeth among patients1. This increase is directly linked to over 70% of dentists seeing a rise in grinding and clenching2.

Stress-related bruxism often leaves teeth darker, shorter and cracked and if this is left untreated, it may lead to muscle and joint problems in the jaw, among other consequences.

While the main treatment lies in eliminating the stressors, teaching stress-management techniques and using night guards, botox and/or medicine for preventative measures - the enamel previously affected will still need to be restored.

OMNICHROMA provides you and your patient with a
fast, esthetic, durable and cost-effective solution.

Explore the two cases below to see how Dr. Ross Nash (Huntersville, NC) uses OMNICHROMA and OMNICHROMA BLOCKER to restore small chips in his patient’s smiles!

CASE #1:

A 62-year-old male with chipped central incisors and a diastema. OMNICHROMA BLOCKER and OMNICHROMA were used to place direct veneers for both teeth. While the patient's shade was taken as A1, there was no need for additional composite outside of OMNICHROMA due to it's Smart Chromatic Technology. 

Pre-Operative ImagePre-Operative Image

Post-Operative ImagePost-Operative Image

Full Smile Pre-Operative ImageFull Smile Pre-Operative Image

Full Smile Post-Operative ImageFull Smile Post-Operative Image


CASE #2:

A 60-year-old female presented with a chip in the incisal edge of #9. A Mesial Incisal Facial Class IV repair was done with OMNICHROMA BLOCKER and OMNICHROMA. Although the patient’s shade was taken as A1, there was no need for additional composite outside of OMNICHROMA due to it's Smart Chromatic Technology. 

Pre-Operative ImagePre-Operative Image

Post-Operative ImagePost-Operative Image

Pre-Operative Shade TakingPre-Operative Shade Taking

Post-Operative Shade TakingPost-Operative Shade Taking


Ready to give it a try?

Redeem this 3+1 offer for OMNICHROMA today!

3+1-2Redeem Your OfferUse Code: OCHB


Promotion is limited to 1 per doctor, per office. PROMO CODE: OCHB. Offer valid 6/1/21 to 7/31/21 and in the U.S. and Canada only. Tokuyama reserves the right to discontinue the promotion(s) at any time. Cannot be combined with any other like offer. Order must be placed through an authorized Tokuyama dealer. Participating doctors or dentists are obligated to properly report and reflect any bonus product, rewards, rebates, discounts or other benefit they receive on their submissions to Medicare, Medicaid, state or federally funded healthcare program and/or private insurance. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery of bonus products.


  1. “COVID-19: Economic Impact on Dental Practices Week of February 15 Results.” COVID-19: Economic Impact on Dental Practices, American Dental Association,  

  2. New Survey Finds Stress-Related Dental Conditions Continue to Increase, American Dental Association, 2 Mar. 2021,

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